Monday, February 20, 2012

Today, I am 26!!!! Last night we celebrated with dinner at Pa & Granny's, it was delicious. Ashton, Sister & Gee made my cake. About a month ago Ashton was going down the whole birthday list of who is next and on and on until it was his birthday. I told him who all in the family was having a birthday and when it was mine his was only 14 days after. So, it was about a month before my birthday and we just happened to be going to my Mom's that day, talking about the birthday list and he had it all planned out he was making me a pizza cake. Y'all, I love pizza could eat it everyday, hot or cold, it doesn't matter. I love it. He couldn't have thought of a better plan. So, guess what, I got a delicious and the sweetest piece of pizza I have ever ate. He is such a sweetie, so caring of other's. Makes this Mama's heart melt. I don't want nothing more than to be with my babies and family on this special day!


  1. Soooooo sweet! Hope you had a fabulous birthday!!

  2. I love pizza too. I could eat it hot or cold as well. I like to eat left over from the fridge for breakfast sometimes. People have always questioned it. Glad to know I'm not the only one. Happy belated birthday. Sorry I'm so late. My brain has been crazy the last few days because of sick babies. All we do is go to the Dr it seems like.
