Monday, September 19, 2011

Busy, Busy & Busy

I feel like I haven't posted in forever. Today's post will be very short and sweet. I have left my camera at my Mom & Dad's so I can't post any pictures. My Mom is in Michigan visiting with her Dad because he has had another heart attack. He is doing some what better and is hopefully on the road to recovering. It seems like he is going more and more down hill. Hopefully, we can make a trip soon to see Grandpa. Please pray for him. Tomorrow Analyn is 9 months, seriously? I can't believe how fast she has grown. We will be going for our well check-up in the morning. I am curious to see what she weighs, compared to Ashton at 9 months, she is so little. Ashton is loving his Day School and looks forward to every Tuesday & Thursday. I have been helping my Brother & SIL out by watching their children while my Mom is gone. Needless to say I have been BUSY, BUSY. Loving every minute of it. Four children, 4 and under = FUN!  Until we meet again, enjoy your week.

1 comment:

  1. You have been busy!! Hope your grandfather gets well soon.
