Sunday, August 21, 2011

What Did We Do Friday?

Analyn got her ears pierced! I have been waiting and trying to build up the courage to take her and get her ears pierced and I finally did it. She looks so cute with her little earrings. 

 They are so cute, her first pair

 She even has enough hair to wear her bows, without a headband
She has done so well with them, acts like they are not even there. It doesn't even bother her when I clean and turn them, she is such a BIG Girl! I also went and got some feathers put in my hair, I love them. I got orange (Ashton's favorite color), yellow (Cadence picked it out) and I picked out a white/grayish color. 

I think my hair looks different in each picture (color wise), I had just blow dried it, so it wasn't  styled, we was just having a day at home. Thought I would just show them off. I like them. Ashton is totally digging the ORANGE! We also went to watch our nephew's first home fame for the season, they won 28-27. Great game, double overtime.
 Garrett # 76
 Nana, Ana & Pa Pud 

 Mommy's Girl
Ana & Aunt Teresa, she was also there when we got Ana's ears pierced.

That was our day in a wrap. I was really debating on getting Analyn's ears pierced, but I wanted to so bad. I had mine done when I was a baby and I was thankful my mother done it. I am very happy I went through with  it. I think they are just darling. 

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